Y&Y's Extra LaTeX/SliTeX and AMS Fonts
LaTeX symbol font contains special math symbols not found in the Computer Modern math symbol font
LaTeX line and circle fonts contain circles of various sizes, and quadrants of circles and lines at various angles, used in constructing simple diagrams and figures in TeX's Picture environment
SliTeX fonts are commonly used for preparing overhead transparencies
LaTeX, Euler and "logo" font outlines were made by Y&Y directly from the METAFONT description --- a major accomplishment, since the METAFONT language does not explicitly describe character outlines
AMS Fonts
AMS mathematical symbol fonts, MSAM and MSBM, incorporating the "black-board bold" or "open-face" characters used to typeset symbols representing various number sets
Smaller sizes of the CM bold math italic and math symbol fonts
Includes "in between" sizes. Total of 56 fonts in the set.
Both bold math italic and bold math symbol fonts have been revised
to reflect changes made by Donald E. Knuth.
Euler fonts designed by Hermann Zapf:
"Text," "Fraktur," and "Script" faces,
each in "regular" and "bold"
Five Cyrillic fonts designed at the University of Washington
Extra LaTeX/SliTeX Fonts
line10, linew10, lcircle1, lcirclew
lasy5, lasy6, lasy7, lasy8, lasy9, lasy10, lasyb10
lcmss8, lcmssb8, lcmssi8
logo8, logo9, logo10, logosl8, logosl9, logosl10, logobf10, logod10.
Includes "P" and "S" to typeset the
word METAPOST in addition to METAFONT.
Includes the new sizes of the slanted fonts and the new demi-bold version.
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