
The Communications of 
the TeX Users Group

TUGboat 39:3, 2018

printing press

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Complete issue 39:3 as one pdf (8.8mb) 
Front cover   c1 
Inside front cover   c2 
Contents ordered by difficulty   c3 
Title page   161 
Editorial information   162 
TUG Business
Institutional members   162 
General Delivery
From the president 
  Boris Veytsman      [Introductory — thoughts on (un)constrained funding]
Editorial comments 
  Barbara Beeton      [Introductory — typography and TUGboat news]
    Passings: Patricia Monohon (30 May 1941–6 April 2018), Vytas Statulevicius († July 2018);     TeX and the history of desktop publishing;     Open season for lectures on typography;     Daniel Berkeley Updike and the Janson font;     W. A. Dwiggins— Making orders;     The Updike prize for student font designers;     A “brand” new font
    Updated link for the IEEE Annals issue table of contents.
Related material, including preprints for the TeX papers, is available from Dave Walden's TeX history page.
TUGboat open-access survey results 
  TUG Board      [Introductory — increasing open access to all but the current issue, with survey results]
TeXConf 2018 in Japan 
  Norbert Preining      [Reports and notices — report on lively conference in Sapporo]
The Cary Graphic Arts Collection 
  David Walden      [Introductory — a brief overview of this remarkable printing, typography, and graphics collection]
Typographers' Inn 
  Peter Flynn      [Introductory — Monospace that fits; Centering (reprise); Afterthought]
A beginner's guide to file encoding and TeXShop 
  Herbert Schulz, Richard Koch      [Intermediate — introduction to file encodings, Unicode, and handling them in TeX(Shop)]
The DuckBoat—News from TeX.SE: Formatting posts 
  Carla Maggi      [Introductory — upvoting behavior, Markdown-based formatting and PDF-to-image conversion]
Managing the paper trail of student projects: datatool and more 
  B. Tomas Johansson      [Intermediate — step-by-step generation of typical student reports from .csv files]
Interview with Kris Holmes 
  David Walden      [Intermediate — in-depth discussion of calligraphy, font design, and more, with many illustrations]
Science and history behind the design of Lucida 
  Charles Bigelow, Kris Holmes      [Intermediate — historical precedents, principles of reading, practical digital type design]
TeX Gyre text fonts revisited 
  Bogusław Jackowski, Piotr Pianowski, Piotr Strzelczyk      [Intermediate Plus — incorporating math and symbol glyphs into text fonts, and OpenType accent positioning]
Electronic Documents
HINT: Reflowing TeX output 
  Martin Ruckert      [Intermediate Plus — postponing TeX page rendering to a separate device, e.g., tablet]
Software & Tools
Axessibility: Creating PDF documents with accessible formulae 
  D. Ahmetovic, T. Armano, C. Bernareggi, M. Berra, A. Capietto, Sandro Coriasco, N. Murru, A. Ruighi      [Intermediate Plus — automatically making readable math formulae]
Improving the representation and conversion of mathematical formulae by considering the textual context 
  Moritz Schubotz, André Greiner-Petter, Philipp Scharpf, Norman Meuschke, Howard S. Cohl, Bela Gipp      [Intermediate Plus — gold standard benchmark and metrics to evaluate (La)TeX to MathML tools]
Dednat6: An extensible (semi-)preprocessor for LuaLaTeX that understands diagrams in ASCII art 
  Eduardo Ochs      [Intermediate Plus — a Forth-based language for 2D diagrams implemented in Lua]
Managing forlorn paragraph lines (a.k.a. widows and orphans) in LaTeX 
  Frank Mittelbach      [Intermediate — finding all widows and orphans, and discussion of possible fixes]
The widows-and-orphans package 
  Frank Mittelbach      [Advanced — documented implementation of the widows-and-orphans package in expl3]
The dashundergaps package 
  Frank Mittelbach      [Intermediate Plus — replacing material with underlines, with expl3 implementation]
State secrets in bibliography-style hacking 
  Karl Berry, Oren Patashnik      [Advanced — inserting a custom separator between fields in bibliography entries]
    The ieeelike.bst example mentioned in the article.
Experiments with \parfillskip 
  Udo Wermuth      [Advanced — analysis of \parfillskip settings, aiming to minimize too-short or too-long last lines]
Hints & Tricks
The treasure chest 
  Karl Berry      [Intermediate — new CTAN packages, August–October 2018]
Die TeXnische Komödie 4/2018   305 
TeX consulting and production services   305-306 
TUG Business
TUG 2019 election 
  TUG Elections committee 
Calendar   308 

TUGboat 39:3, 2018 (issue 123)   [generated 2024-05-07]
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